You know, I sorta followed Gisele Bunchin, Bunchshin, whatever, through her pregnancy because she had her baby a couple of months before I had Buckaroo. I've managed to come across pics of her whenever I'm feeling particularly unsightly. It's a real pick-me up. And whadya know, I'm spending valuable time on this morning and here she is!! In all her gloriously bronzed, tousled, toned, relaxed, expensive short-shortiness. What's funny is that, seriously, I look exactly like that. Except that I wear flipflops with that shirt. Her bootflops look sort of uncomfortable. And my hair is probably a little sexier. Which is what happens when you don't shower. Like, ever.
p.s. my first time inserting hyperlink. Exhilarating!
Sarah, I LOVE your blog! So charming. So funny. I can't wait to read more. Love it, and love you!