MAJOR DEVELOPMENT: Madame Thorax is no longer in her croft. Hallelujah! Or, does this mean she has relocated to inside the house? lurking like a bully in the shadows?
Here is a pic of me and Buckaroo from the stay at the Mt. Baker cabin a few weeks ago.
At this moment, Woodworker and Buckaroo are making pizza dough. And the Seahawks are playing on tv in the background. So, once again, on this autumn Sunday, I will watch my husband's moods swing far and wide as we watch the Seahawks try to find their way out of their own butts. I've learned many many lifetimes ago not to invest my hopes and dreams in the Seahawks. Others are not so wise. And yet, sometimes those others make amazing pizza. Seriously, its such good pizza.
Oh great, the Seahawks just scored.
My SEVEN year old already gets on the brink of tears when Dad announces that the Broncos have lost, again. I'm in such trouble. Maybe I should teach him how to make pizza....?