Perhaps its that everyone else is just as busy as everyone else is, and it's hard to get the family card out in a timely manner. It should come to nobody's surprise that the card I have received was from Yuki. And SHE has a newborn! One should not compare oneself to Yuki.
Also know that I abandoned the ridiculous homemade mess and ordered my cards from one of the delightful, reputable online retailers. I am reformed.
In other news, its CHRSTMASTIME!!!!! We have our tree; it's beautiful. The living room is aglow. Woodworker risked life and limb to hang lights on the front of the house. The front yard is aglow. I'm constantly yanking Buckaroo away from the tree because he wants to put the entire thing in his mouth. Buckaroo is aglow.
I'm starting to get excited in that difficult-to-describe way. Bouts of thrill, of joy, of contentment, of appreciation, of wistfulness, of romance, of commerce fatigue, of calories, of creativity, etc. There is a legend in our family: my cousin Rachel is about 6 years old, maybe in first grade. She's very excited about Christmastime. One day in class, her teacher hears a noise coming from the closet. It is Rachel, sitting in the closet singing Christmas carols, doing her work. It is just too much for her to contain; she must sing. That's what I'm talking about.
Today we will close with an image of Buckaroo and Woodworker in front of the washer/dryer. This is Buck's favorite location in the whole house. He waves at them when we walk by; he dances when they're in action; he watches with bated breath when I put clothes in or pull them out; he perks up from the far reaches of the house when he hears their f*%#&! chimes (because the f*$@$#!! chimes are so go*$#*?! loud). Also please note the cute blue sleeper he's wearing. Because that sleeper just went to heaven this morning, and Buckaroo took a bath, after an incident that I'll let you surmise.
And I'm off to check the mailbox, as I anticipate the arrival of my own batch of cards from the magical online card place any day now.
Season's Greetings.
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